For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CHARGES FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES or CHARGES.  The amount charged to each premises in the village connected to the system for sewage disposal services including a debt service factor.
   CONTROL.  The Village Council of the Village of Birch Run, the legislative and governing body thereof.
   PREMISES.  The lands included within the boundaries of a single description as set forth from time to time on the general tax rolls of the village as a single taxable item in the name of the taxpayer or taxpayers at one address, but in the case of platted lots shall be limited to a single platted lot unless an existing building or structure is so located on more than one lot as to make the same a single description for purposes of assessment or conveyance now or hereafter.
   SEWAGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT or DISTRICT.  Birch Run Sewage Disposal District, as described in the resolution of the Saginaw County Board of Supervisors, adopted June 10, 1969, or any amendments thereto. SEWAGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT or DISTRICT is hereby expanded to include the following described premises outside of limits of the Village of Birch Run:
Section 21, T.10 N.-R.6E
The south 270 feet of the west 441 feet of the east 962.37 feet of the southwest 1/4 and § 28, T.10 north.-R.6 east.
Commencing at a point 298.76 feet east from the northwest corner of § 28; thence south.18°-34 feet 43 inches east, 677.55 feet; thence east, parallel with the north section line, 423.30 feet; thence north 431 feet; thence east parallel with the north section line to a point located 250 feet, at right angles, southwesterly of the centerline of Dixie Highway; thence southeasterly, parallel with the centerline of Dixie Highway; thence southeasterly, parallel with the centerline of Dixie Highway to a point located on a line extended at right angles to Dixie Highway being 420 feet southeasterly; measured along the centerline of Dixie Highway from East Birch Run Road; thence northeasterly on the line, 250 feet to the centerline of Dixie Highway; thence northeasterly, 409.2 feet to a point located 577.5 feet east of the centerline of Dixie Highway measured on the north line of the section and 198 feet south of the north line; thence east 250 feet parallel with the north line of the section to the centerline of Bogart Drain; thence northwesterly on the Drain centerline, 211.5 feet to the north section line; thence westerly, along the north line of the section to the point of beginning.
Also, commencing at a point on the centerline of Dixie Highway, 420 feet southeasterly from the north section line; thence continuing southeasterly on the centerline, 89 feet; thence north. 60°-50 feet east, 277 feet; thence south 29 °-10 feet east, 15 feet; thence north.60°-50 feet-00 inches east, 120.55 feet; thence north 87°-50 feet-00 inches west, 104.78 feet; thence south 65° west, 409.2 feet to the point of beginning.
   SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES.  The collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage emanating from premises now or hereafter connected, directly or indirectly, to the sewage disposal system.
   SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM.  The Birch Run sewage disposal system established and to be constructed by the county under contract with the village dated June 10, 1969, and leased to the village and all extensions, enlargements and improvements thereto.
   SYSTEM.  The sewage disposal system as now or hereafter established and constructed by the county and leased to the village to serve the residents of the village.
   UNIT or UNITS.  Shall be related to the quantity of sanitary sewage ordinarily arising from the occupancy of a residence building by a single-family of ordinary size, as shall from time to time be defined by the village and assigned to premises in the district.
   VILLAGE.  The Village of Birch Run and the term COUNTY shall be constructed to mean the County of Saginaw, both in the State of Michigan.
(1992 Code, § 83.001)  (Ord. 3-69, passed - - 1969; Ord. 1-81, passed 4-13-1981)