(A)   Each lot, parcel of land or building occupied or used for a separate purpose or by a separate tenant or family shall be considered as a separate premises for the purposes of this subchapter.
   (B)   For the use of water through fire hydrants and for the availability of the water, the village shall pay to the water supply system, in equal quarterly installments, the sum of $50 per hydrant, per year, the payments to be made from funds legally available for the purpose or from the proceeds of taxes which the village shall levy.
   (C)   The installation of water service connections from water mains to private premises within the village and the township shall be made by the village and a reasonable charge made therefore. The owner shall pay, in addition to all other charges and fees provided for herein, in advance of the commencement of the tapping, the actual cost to the village plus 10%.
   (D)   No service connection shall be constructed for the purpose of introducing water to any premises within the village or the township until an application for a permit for the connection has been made in writing to an appropriate official designated by the Village Council. Upon receipt by the Village Treasurer of monies required to be paid for connections under this subchapter, installation may be commenced by the village.
   (E)   Water service connections shall be installed only by the village and upon prepayment of the connection cost and cost of furnishing and installing the meter. The Village Council shall from time to time determine the average connection cost for the village and the township and this shall be payment complete for all material and labor involved in tapping the main, laying the proper pipe from the distribution main to the curb stop and box, the furnishing and placing of the curb stop and box and the furnishing and installation of the meter. Type “K” copper will be used at all tap-ins and may continue into the structure or the tap-in may be connected to two-inch Polybutylene CTS OD, 250 psi, SDR 9, ASTM D-2666 water service piping, which may be installed to within five feet of a structure, at which point there will be a connection of type “K” copper. All water service connections shall be to the depth of five feet under the surface of the street or lowest part of the gutter. No water service connection shall be laid in the same trench with a sewer pipe unless supported upon an earth shelf at least one foot above the sewer and 1-1/2 feet horizontally from the sewer. The village shall install a brass curb stop with a valve box which shall be placed approximately on the street line or private property line of roads and highways and this curb stop shall be under the exclusive control of the village.
   (F)   No person shall open or use water from any public or private fire hydrant for any purpose except for extinguishing fires unless a written permit from the village has been issued for the use.
   (G)   The village shall establish and maintain a separate account entitled Township of Birch Run Water Account, into which shall be deposited all monies received for water service charges and other charges which shall be established by the Township of Birch Run for water customers within the township. The village shall prepare and provide to the Township of Birch Run a monthly accounting allocating to the township its proportionate share, based upon water consumption of township customers of all operational and other costs of the system and that the amount shall be transferred from the Township of Birch Run Water Account to a village account. In addition, the village shall charge each Township customer the sum of $.75 per quarter to defray administrative costs. This amount shall be adjusted by the Village Council from time to time to reflect actual costs. The amounts are to be transferred from the Township Water Account to the Village Water Account, monthly. The Village of Birch Run shall be responsible for payment of all bills, including payment for water purchased from the City of Saginaw, pertaining to the operation, administration and maintenance of the water supply system. In addition to the operational and administrative costs, the village shall charge the Township Water Account, for the purpose of defraying the costs of maintenance and repairs within the system, a charge of $.05 per 1,000 gallons of water supplied to the township which shall be charged until a fund for this purpose is established in the amount of $1,000. No further charges shall be made until the fund is reduced below $1,000 in which case the charges shall be resumed to maintain the fund at $1,000. The village shall utilize this fund to pay the township's proportionate share of repairs and maintenance of the system. After the payment of all operational, administrative and maintenance costs, as aforesaid, the village shall transfer, monthly, 90% of the balance in the Township Water Account to a Township Water Savings Account established by the township.
   (H)   The charge for water services which are, under the provisions of § 121 of Public Act 94 of 1933, being M.C.L.A. §§ 141.101 through 141.138, as amended, made a lien on all premises within the Village of Birch Run served thereby, unless notice is given that a tenant is responsible, are hereby recognized to constitute the lien and whenever any charge against any piece of property shall be delinquent for six months the village official or officials in charge of the collection thereof shall certify annually, on April 1 of each year, to the Tax Assessing Officer of the village, the fact of the delinquency whereupon the charge shall be by him or her entered upon the next tax roll as a charge against the premises and shall be collected and the lien thereon enforced in the same manner as general village taxes against the premises are collected and the lien thereof enforced; provided, however, where notice is given that a tenant is responsible for the charges and services as provided by the § 21, no further service shall be rendered the premises until a cash deposit of not less than $100 shall have been paid as a security for payment of the charges and services. Prior to April 1 of each year, the village shall supply the Township of Birch Run with a list of properties where charges for water service have been delinquent for six months, and the Township of Birch Run shall thereupon collect the charges for payment to the village in accordance with the statutes in the case made and provided.
(1992 Code, § 80.008)  (Ord. 1-62, passed - - 1962; Ord. 1-63, passed 7-17-1963; Ord. 1-74, passed 1-21-1974; Ord. 7-76, passed 6-24-1976; Ord. passed 8-22-1994; Ord. 00-05, passed 9-25-2000)  Penalty, see § 51.99