A village official or employee shall not engage in any of the following conduct:
   (A)   Divulging confidential information to any person not authorized to obtain such information;
   (B)   Benefitting financially from the disclosure of confidential information;
   (C)   Representing his or her own personal opinion as that of the village;
   (D)   Misusing village personnel resources, property, funds or assets for personal gain;
   (E)   Soliciting or accepting a gift or loan of money, goods, services or other things of value which would tend to influence the manner in which the official or employee performs his or her official duties:
      (1)   Gifts or favors for personal gain should not be solicited from an individual or an organization that does business with the village or seeks to do so. The size of the gift or favor is immaterial. Soliciting gifts or favors, either directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited. If a gift is offered, a report should be completed and filed with the Village Clerk.
      (2)   The acceptance of inexpensive advertising gifts, such as pens, pencils, key rings, calendars, coffee cups and the like or other small items, such as boxes of candy, nuts or plants and the like shared by an entire office and/or enjoyed by the public are not considered gifts of value and can be accepted.
      (3)   Any gift of cash, including gift certificates, is strictly prohibited.
   (F)   Engaging in employment or rendering services which are incompatible with the discharge of his or her official duties or which would tend to impair his or her independent judgment. A former village employee or volunteer who is receiving retirement or pension and/or health care benefits from the village may serve on the Village Council. However, if any business comes before the Village Council which pertains to or affects the benefits, the former employee or volunteer shall disclose his or her interest and shall refrain from voting on the matter. A change in the village's retirement or pension and health care benefits shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the membership of the Village Council without the vote of the former employee or volunteer; and
   (G)   A Village Council member's addressing a body, including but not limited to the Zoning Board of Appeals, which is appointed by the Village Council, for the purpose of influencing a decision of that body.
(1992 Code, § 4.008)  (Ord. 99-2, passed 3-22-1999)  Penalty, see § 34.99