10.372  Sec. 12.2 CONTRACTS.
   The authority to contract on behalf of the village is vested in the Council and shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of statute and this charter, provided that purchases and sales may be made by the Purchasing Agent subject to the provisions of Section 12.1. No contract except (a) an agreement of employment or (b) an agreement for the purchase or sale of goods, wares or merchandise in an amount of One Thousand Dollars or less, shall be made unless the same shall have first been submitted to an attorney and his opinion obtained with respect to its legality of form and unless the officer responsible for maintaining the village accounts shall first have certified that an appropriation has been made for payment thereof, or that sufficient funds will be available if it be for a purpose to be financed by the issuance of bonds or special assessments or for some other purpose not chargeable to a budget appropriation. In the case of a contract obligating the village to periodic payments in future fiscal years for the furnishing of a continuing service or the leasing of property, such certification shall not cover those payments on the contract which will be due in future fiscal years, but this exception shall not apply to a contract for the construction of a public improvement unless such public improvement is being purchased by installment payments under the provisions of Section 10.6. A copy of all contracts requiring such opinion and certification shall be filed in the office of the Clerk. No contract shall be divided for the purpose of circumventing the dollar value limitation contained in this section.
   No contract shall be amended after the same has been made except upon the authority of the Council (except that the Purchasing Agent may amend the terms of purchases and sales made by him subject to the provisions of Section 12.1).
   No compensation shall be paid to any contractor or vendor except in accordance with the terms of the contract.
(char. eff. Dec. 5, 1955)