(A)   Commencing on April 15, 1992, all persons who are the owners or occupants of any detached single-family residences located on acreage parcels or in subdivisions or in condominium developments wholly comprised of detached single-family residences shall either dispose of compostables/yard wastes on their property in a manner which will not create a nuisance and/or be injurious to the public health or shall participate in the compostable/yard waste program and separate compostables/yard waste program, compostables/yard waste must be placed at the curb in appropriate containers on pick up day and in the manner set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the village.
   (B)   Failure to separate compostables/yard waste as required in this section excuses the village and/or its contractors from any obligation to remove the solid waste from the curb, in addition to other penalties imposed pursuant to this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 132, passed 10-28-92)