§ 154.05 WATER MAIN.
   (A)   Plan submittal procedure. For village approval of water main plans, the applicant shall furnish the Village Clerk with four sets of the water main plans along with any required fees and deposits. Concurrently, a detailed estimate of cost must be submitted. The Village Clerk shall stamp three sets as authorized to be reviewed, and the applicant will submit these copies to the Village Engineer for review, comments and/or approval. The Village Engineer shall review the plans for conformity to the standards set forth herein and certify that they are consistent with the overall utility plans of the village. After his or her review, he or she will return one of the sets with appropriate comments to the applicant and one to the Village Clerk. The applicant, after making any changes requested on the set of plans returned to him or her, shall submit ten sets of the revised plans to the Village Engineer. The Village Engineer shall review these revised plans for conformity to the comments mentioned heretofore, and, if they have been properly made, will transmit eight sets to other local and state reviewing agencies for issuance of construction permits.
   (B)      Design standards.
      (1)   The following notes shall appear on the plans where applicable:
         (a)   Cast iron water main 16 inches and smaller in diameter shall be made in accordance with the current USAS Specification A 21.6 or A 21.8 except as to joints. Double thickness cement-lined pipe will be required.
         (b)   Joints for cast iron watermain shall be James B. Clow and Sons, Inc., “Bell-Tite Joint,” U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company “Tyton Joint” or approved equal.
         (c)   Ductile iron water main 24 inches and smaller shall be made in accordance with the current ANSI-A-21.51 specification for ductile iron pipe. Double thickness cement-lined pipe shall be used.
         (d)   Joints for ductile iron pipe shall be push-on type joints. Fittings, valves and appurtenances may have push on, mechanical or flange type joints.
         (e)   All prestressed concrete pressure pipe shall be manufactured and delivered in accordance with current A.W.W.A. Standards C-301. Design of reinforcing mesh for this specification shall be submitted for approval prior to manufacture of pipe.
            1.   Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe with rubber and steel joints shall be used for 16-inch through 20-inch diameter water mains.
            2.   Prestressed concrete embedded cylinder pipe with rubber and steel joints shall be used for 24-foot diameter and larger water mains.
         (f)   All cast iron fittings and specials shall conform to all the requirements of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Supply Specification 5-193 or latest revision thereof and shall be mechanical joints or push-on type joints.
         (g)   All water mains shall be installed with a minimum cover of 5½ feet below finish grade. When water mains must dip to pass under a storm sewer or sanitary sewer, the sections which are deeper than normal shall be kept to a minimum length by the use of vertical 11¼° bends properly anchored.
         (h)   All workmanship and materials shall be in accordance with the current Bingham Farms standards and specifications.
         (i)   All trenches under or within four feet of existing or proposed pavement shoulders shall be backfilled with thoroughly compacted sand to grade (95% maximum unit density).
         (j)   Village standard valve is right hand open.
         (k)   Hydrants to be Muller No. 24015, East Jordan Iron Works or 6 BR Traffic Type, with two 2½-inch hose outlets and one- to 33/4-gpumper outlet. Threads to be Detroit Fire Department Standards. Hydrants shall have mechanical joint shoes only.
         (l)   The contractor shall disinfect and pressure test all new water main construction.
         (m)   Before any water main will be accepted by the village, it must be inspected and pass a pressure test of 150 psi for one hour for sizes 12 inches and under, 150 psi for two hours for sizes larger than 12 inches. Water loss shall not exceed 50 U.S. gallons per inch of diameter per mile of pipe in 24 hours.
         (n)   Before any fire hydrants will be accepted by the village, the fire hydrant must be brush coated with Rustoleum #1210 fire hydrant red paint or approved equal.
      (2)   At all open drain crossings, a separate enlarged scale view is required. A 5½-inch minimum clearance between the bottom of the drain and the top of the water main is required. All water mains within the drain right-of-way must be cast iron, ductile iron or prestressed concrete.
      (3)   In general, eight-inch mains shall be installed on the majority of streets in single-family residential areas. Hydrant runoffs may be six-inch diameter. Water mains shall be ductile iron, cast iron or prestressed concrete mains. Cast iron or ductile iron mains must be used for hydrant assemblies and drain crossings. The minimum size allowed in major roads is 12 inches. Twelve-inch mains are considered to be the minimum size in commercial, office and multiple-family residential, except in a looped system of 1,500 feet or less, where eight-inch mains may be permitted. Water mains are to be looped whenever possible. The ability to serve at least 1,200 gpm in single-family detached residential, 2,000 gpm in apartment and similar complexes, institutional and school areas, and at least 3,000 gpm in office and commercial areas is essential. Profile view is required for 16 inches and larger water mains.
      (4)   Gate valves shall be spaced not to exceed 800-foot intervals on distribution lines. They shall be spaced such that not more than three valves need to be turned off to isolate any section of the water main. Sufficient valves shall be placed such that not more than 26 homes shall be out of service within such section of water main which can be so isolated. Where possible, gate valves shall be located at street intersections five feet from the intersecting street right-of-way line. All dead end mains shall be valued. In high density, commercial or other areas, valves shall be located to provide for not more than one hydrant out of service during any given main break.
      (5)   In single-family residential areas, hydrants shall be installed along the water main so that all units are within 300 feet of a hydrant. In all other areas, units must be within 250 feet of two hydrants. Hydrants shall be installed at the ends of all dead end water mains. When near a street intersection, hydrants shall be located 15 feet from the intersecting street right-of-way line. In other areas, hydrants shall be located at the center of the lot.
      (6)   When connecting to an existing water main, a tapping sleeve and gate valve in well will be required unless connection to the existing main can be made without interrupting service on the main. Only mechanical joint tapping sleeves shall be used.
      (7)   On all water mains that may be extended in the future, install a gate valve and minimum ten foot stub and plug for future connection.
      (8)   The plans shall indicate the finish grades of all hydrants and gate well rims.
      (9)   Ten-state standards require that all water mains have minimum of ten feet clearance between the sanitary sewer and storm drains.
      (10)   A minimum clearance of 18 inches shall be maintained between the bottom of the water main and the top of the sanitary sewer unless special measures are approved by the Village Engineer to comply with ten-state standards.
(O.C. § 5.704) (Am. Ord. 268, passed 9-19-22)
   Water service, see Ch. 51