(A)   Landscaping plans and landscaping in conformance thereto, as established in this section, will be required for all new development, including sindle family dwelling units. Such landscaping shall be completed within six months after the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the building and also pursuant to an approved grading plan, as required by the village zoning ordinance, unless an extension of time, not to exceed six months, is authorized by the Building Official owing to seasonal weather conditions.
   (B)   Such landscaping shall thereafter be maintained with permanent plant materials to enhance and complement the building(s), structure(s) or open air land use on the site and to provide a screen to abutting properties.
      (1)   (a)   Landscaping shall be planted and maintained in a healthy growing condition with suitable materials equal in characteristics to the plant materials listed below:
   Evergreen Trees    Narrow Evergreens
   Douglas Fir    Blue Columnar Chinese Juniper
   Hemlock    Column Hinoke Cypress
   Juniper    Arborvitae
   Pine    Irish Yew
   Spruce    Pyramidal Red Cedar
   White Fir    Swiss Stone Pine
   Evergreen Shrubs    Ground Covers
   Yews    Euonymus (Winter Creeper)
   Juniper    Pachysandra
      Terminals (Japanese Spurge)
      Vincas (Creeping Myrtles)
   Large Deciduous Trees
   Beech    Hop Hornbeam
   Birch    Linden
   Ginkgo    Oak
   Hackberry    Planetree (Sycamore)
   Hard Maple   Sweet-Gum
   Small Trees
   Dogwood    Magnolia
   Flowering Crab    Mountain Ash
   Hawthorn    Redbud
   Hornbeam    Russian Olive
   Large Deciduous Shrubs
   Buckthorn    Mock-Orange
   Cotoneaster    Ninebark
   Euonymus    Privet
   Forsythia    Rose of Sharon
   Hazelnut    Sumac
   Honeysuckle    Viburnum
         (b)   The following trees are not permitted:
      Aspen - poplar
      Box Elder
      Elms, Chinese
      Horse Chestnut (nut bearing)
      Poplars Soft Maples (Silver)
      Tree of Heaven
      (2)   (a)   Spacing of plant materials, where used as a greenbelt along a property line, shall conform to the following requirements:
            1.   Plant materials shall not be placed closer than four feet to the fence line or property line;
            2.   Where plant materials are placed in two or more rows, plantings shall be staggered in rows;
            3.   Evergreen trees shall be planted not more than 20 feet on centers and shall not be less than three feet in height;
            4.   Narrow evergreens shall be planted not more than six feet on centers and shall not be less than three feet in height;
            5.   Large deciduous trees shall be planted not more than 30 feet on centers and shall be not less than eight feet in height;
            6.   Small trees shall be planted not more than ten feet on centers and shall not be less than four feet in height;
            7.   Large deciduous shrubs shall be planted not more than six feet on centers and shall not be less than three feet in height.
         (b)   All trees shall be kept away from shrub plantings but shall be encouraged to be planted in association with said shrub plantings. The remainder of the greenbelt area which is not planted with the aforementioned stock shall be kept in lawn or planted in a ground cover with evergreen vines such as Vincas or Japanese Spurge or covered with stone or wood chips.
      (3)   Landscaping of parking areas shall comply with the following standards:
         (a)   No less than one tree shall be planted for every 15 car spaces, provided no spot in any parking area shall be more distant than 150 feet from a living plant, landscaped area. These landscaped areas shall include no less than one tree with a 30 foot plus high normal growth potential;
         (b)   Drainage for parking areas shall be so designed as to not drain into or discharge onto any planted or landscaped areas;
         (c)   Parking design should consider and provide for needs of the handicapped, including reserved stalls and safe unloading zones. Ramps through curbs shall also be provided, these ramps to meet minimum handicapped facilities specifications;
         (d)   Median strip planting in parking lots shall have a minimum width of eight feet. If median strips are to be walked across, tree planters shall be provided with mineral chip (slag, gravel and the like). Trees used shall be of a type to permit pruning up to a seven foot high clearance on curb side. No lawn grass shall be used in parking median strips.
      (4)   Lawn areas shall be used where fully accessible and comfortably maintainable with full normal access for irrigation, mowing and fertilizing. As far as practicable, shrub and ground cover areas shall be separated from lawn areas by a concrete mow strip four inches deep by six inches wide or 1-inch by 6-inch redwood headers or appropriate steel curb, their tops being placed flush with soil level. Angle corners shall be avoided. Edges at corners shall be curved. Lawn areas shall not be used in any planting strip or extension of a continuous larger area. Adequate and appropriate irrigation systems shall be provided.
      (5)   All planting areas shall be provided with adequate “on site” water sources. Sprinklers shall be designed to provide uniform, even coverage at a rate not to exceed one inch of water per hour.
      (6)   Lighting off site shall provide adequate but minimum outdoor illumination. To reduce energy consumption, only high efficiency lighting units shall be used and no direct lighting or glare shall be directed onto any adjacent residential property.
      (7)   Design and specifications for fences, walls and other protective barriers, where required, will be indicated on the greenbelt plan.
      (8)   All local air, water, land and noise pollution standards, laws and regulations will be complied with.
(O.C. § 5.565) (Am. Ord. 181, passed 1-27-03)