Application for such permit shall show the name of the owner, the location of the proposed swimming pool, the manner in which its use shall be supervised, the safety precautions to be made to protect those making use thereof or who might be endangered thereby, information showing the size, depth and capacity of such swimming pool and shall be accompanied by such other information necessary for the protection of the public health and safety as may be required by the Building Department. There shall be also filed with the Building Department a plot plan of the property showing the location of such swimming pool thereon and a detailed plan for such swimming pool, which shall contain full information as to the type, height and location of the fence surrounding such swimming pool and the number of gates therein. Approval of the county and state authorities having jurisdiction over swimming pools shall be obtained before applying for a permit. Proof that such approval has been obtained shall be filed with the Building Department at the time application is made for a permit.
(O.C. § 8.54)