The Cablecasting Board shall perform the following roles and functions:
   (A)   Advise the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Bingham Farms Village Council and Franklin Village Council on matters related to cable communications;
   (B)   Monitor the franchisee's compliance with the franchise agreement and the cable communications ordinance;
   (C)   Conduct performance reviews as outlined in this chapter;
   (D)   Act as liaison between the franchisee and the public, hear complaints from the public and seek their resolution from the franchisee;
   (E)   Advise the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Bingham Farms Village Council and Franklin Village Council on adjustments of rates and services according to the procedure outlined in this chapter and to regulate rates as authorized by the village and villages and permitted by law;
   (F)   Advise the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Bingham Farms Village Council and the Franklin Village Council on transfer, renewal, extension or termination of a franchise and change of control of a franchisee;
   (G)   Appropriate those moneys deposited in an account in the name of the Cablecasting Board by the City of Birmingham, Village of Beverly Hills, Village of Franklin and the Village of Bingham Farms for:
      (1)   The costs of any consulting and administrative expenses related to the franchise selection process;
      (2)   The costs of any consulting and administrative expense related to performance reviews;
      (3)   Enhancement of the cable access channels; and
      (4)   The costs of any consulting or administrative services under contracts entered into by the Board and other expenses related to the continuing duties and operation of the Cablecasting Board and submit an annual budget to the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Franklin Village Council and Bingham Farms Village Council;
   (H)   Oversee the operation of the educational, governmental and public access channels by:
      (1)   Establishing reasonable user fees;
      (2)   Developing policy guidelines for programming, scheduling and utilization of equipment and facilities;
      (3)   Directing that programming related primarily to the promotion of a business, trade or profession be discontinued or not delivered;
      (4)   Hearing and deciding conflicts between access channel users regarding utilization of equipment, cablecasting time or facilities;
   (I)   Apprise the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Franklin Village Council and Bingham Farms Village Council of new developments in cable communications technology;
   (J)   Hear and make recommendations to the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Franklin Village Council and Bingham Farms Village Council on any request of a franchisee for modification of its franchise obligations;
   (K)   Enter into contracts within the Board's budget and such other contracts as may be authorized by the city and the villages;
   (L)    Administer contracts entered into by the Board and terminate such contracts;
   (M)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, hear and decide all matters and disputes relating to or arising under the customer service standards and consumer protection provisions of this chapter, including the assessment of liquidated damages for any violation of such standards or provisions;
   (N)   Perform such other functions and duties as may lawfully be delegated to it by the Birmingham City Commission, Beverly Hills Village Council, Franklin Village Council and Bingham Farms Village Council and exercise such additional powers and functions as may be necessary or proper to carry out the duties expressly mandated in subsections (A) through (M) of this section or as may be delegated under this subsection (N).
(Ord. passed - -)