(A)   No signals of a cable communications channel shall be transmitted from a subscriber terminal for purposes of monitoring individual viewing patterns or practices without the express written permission of the subscriber. The request for such permission shall be contained in a separate document with a prominent statement to be signed by the subscriber acknowledging his or her full understanding of the provisions of the request and permitting the activity to occur. No penalty shall be invoked for a subscriber's failure to provide such an authorization. The authorization shall be revocable at any time by the subscriber without penalty. Such authorization is required for each type or classification of subscriber terminal signal planned; provided, however, that a franchisee may keep such records of viewing or purchasing of services by individual subscribers as are necessary for the billing of the individual subscriber for such services.
   (B)   A franchisee shall not monitor or tabulate any records or test results in any manner that would reveal the economic status, commercial product preferences or opinions of individual subscribers or their families. A franchisee shall not maintain or tabulate any data on the political, religious, moral or social preferences or opinions of individual subscribers or their families.
   (C)   A franchisee, or any of its agents or employees, shall not, without the specific written authorization of the subscriber involved, sell or otherwise make available to any party:
      (1)   Lists of the names and addresses of such subscribers; or
      (2)   Any list which identifies the viewing habits of subscribers.
   (D)   A franchisee shall be constantly alert to possible abuses of any legal right of privacy or other legal rights of any subscriber, programmer or general citizen resulting from any device or signal associated with the cable communications system. The possibility of such abuse shall be discussed at every scheduled review session.
   (E)   Devices such as electronic locks, scramblers, warning lights and others designed to inhibit signals originating from a subscriber terminal shall be provided by a franchisee for all two-way system subscribers. Such devices shall additionally be provided as other privacy problems are identified, the technology becomes available and reasonable financial arrangements can be made.
(Ord. passed - -)