(A)   A franchisee shall provide one-way and two-way interconnection facilities to interconnect the system with other cable systems, the school district and other political subdivisions as may be required by the Village Council. Interconnection facilities may be effected by direct cable connection, microwave length, satellite or any other appropriate method. Interconnection facilities may be required for one, several or all channels of the system. Upon receiving a directive to interconnect, a franchisee shall reasonably cooperate in the interconnection if other systems express a willingness to share the cost of such interconnection.
   (B)   Before the Village Council issues a directive requiring interconnection, it shall notify a franchisee in writing of its consideration of the issue and schedule a public hearing, not less than 15 days from the notification date, at which a franchisee shall be provided an opportunity to state its position on the issue. Notice of the hearing shall be given in accordance with the provisions of § 113.139.
   (C)   Upon receiving a directive from the Village Council to interconnect, a franchisee shall immediately initiate negotiations with the other affected system or systems in order that the cost may be shared by the franchisees of the affected systems for both construction and operation of the interconnection link. A franchisee shall report to the Village Council monthly in writing regarding the status of all negotiations and construction progress. The monthly reports shall continue until the interconnection line is operational.
   (D)   A franchisee shall cooperate with any interconnection corporation, regional interconnection authority, council of governments, county, federal or state regulatory agency which may be established for the purpose of regulating, facilitating, encouraging, financing or otherwise providing for the interconnection of cable communication systems beyond the boundaries of the individual political jurisdictions.
   (E)   Should a dispute arise over any matter regarding interconnection, it shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter on methods of resolving disputes.
   (F)   The Village Council may grant reasonable extensions of time to interconnect or rescind its request to interconnect upon petition by a franchisee to the Village Council. The Village Council shall grant such request if it finds that a franchisee has negotiated in good faith and has failed to obtain an approval from the system of the proposed interconnection or that the cost of the interconnection would cause an unreasonable or unacceptable increase in subscriber rates.
   (G)   In order to assure future interconnection capability, a franchisee shall meet the following initial technical requirements: use of standard frequency allocations for cable communications signals, use of signal processors at the head end for each cable communications signal, use of adequate amplifiers spaced appropriately to enable two-way activation of the total system and use of local origination equipment compatible with videocassettes, videotapes, videodisks, video film chains and other various video formats.
(Ord. passed - -)