(A)   A franchisee shall make any unused channels available for lease to any organization, group or individual on a first come, first served basis. At least one channel must be available for leasing on a part-time basis.
   (B)   A franchisee shall not exercise program controls over leased channels, but it shall adopt rules governing the leasing of channel space which:
      (1)   Provides for access on a first come, nondiscriminatory basis;
      (2)   Prohibits the presentation of lottery information and obscene or indecent matter;
      (3)   Requires sponsorship identification;
      (4)   Specifies an appropriate rate schedule; and
      (5)   Permits public inspection of the record of the names and addresses of all persons or groups requesting time, which record shall be retained for a period of two years.
(Ord. passed - -)