(A)   Any applicant for a franchise shall file with its application a sworn statement setting forth in such detail as shall be satisfactory to the village the identification and description of all relationships which such applicants (or any related parties) may then have or may have had during the year prior to the date of filing of such application, directly or indirectly, with the village, its employees, agents, servants and/or elected or appointed officials, including but not limited to the following:
      (1)   Written or oral arrangements or undertakings of any nature whatsoever, including as vendor, vendee or the provider of services, credit or counsel or otherwise;
      (2)   All lending relationships, whether as borrower or lender;
      (3)   All investing relationships as stockholder, partner, joint venturer, coadventurer or otherwise or as the entity, vehicle or recipient of such investment;
      (4)   All relationships entailing the granting or holding of security in any property, tangible or intangible, real or personal;
      (5)   All relationships in which any valuable consideration shall have been required, offered, received, paid or extended, whether in cash, in kind or in services and whether contemporaneous or deferred in whole or in part; and
      (6)   All relationships involving the assertion of any claim of any nature whatsoever, including administrative proceedings or litigation.
   (B)   Each applicant shall affirmatively undertake to advise the village during the pendency of the application and prior to its rejection or acceptance of any additional such relationships which shall come into being and of the termination or other material change in any such relationships as shall have been required to be disclosed prior thereto. Each franchisee shall also affirmatively undertake to so advise the village on a continuing basis and shall recertify the existence or nonexistence of all such relationships (other than as a franchisee pursuant to this chapter) on each annual anniversary of the franchise agreement under which such franchisee shall derive rights pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. passed - -)