Driveway or street approaches, including curb cuts and sidewalk driveway crossings to provide access to an existing street shall be first subject to approval of the Village Council and shall comply with the following, except planned commercial and industrial buildings which require separate site plan approval under this code.
   (A)   No single curb cut or driveway approach shall exceed 80 feet in width, nor be less than 12 feet in width, except, where joint driveway openings are permitted on either side of a common property line, the maximum curb cut shall be 40 feet per lot.
   (B)   The minimum distance between any curb cut or driveway approach and a public crosswalk shall be five feet.
   (C)   Where sidewalks are required, no single sidewalk driveway approach crossing shall exceed 30 feet in width.
   (D)   The maximum number of linear feet of sidewalk driveway approach crossing permitted for any lot, parcel of land, business or enterprise shall be for 5% of the total abutting street frontage up to and including 200 lineal feet of street frontage, plus 20% of the lineal feet of street frontage in excess to 200 feet.
   (E)   The necessary adjustments to utility poles, light standards, fire hydrants, catch basins, underground structures, street or railway signs, signals or other public improvements or installations shall be accomplished without cost to the village.
   (F)   All new driveway approaches along paved streets shall be paved between the curb cut and the property line with concrete or asphalt in accordance with regulations established by the Village Engineer.
   (G)   All construction shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Village Engineer.
(Ord. 151, passed - -)