§ 96.077 PERMITS.
   Where permits are authorized or required in this subchapter, they shall be obtained upon application to the Village Clerk upon such forms as prescribed by the Village Council. Permit fees shall be established by resolution of the Village Council.
   (A)   Permits shall be valid only for the period of time endorsed thereon.
   (B)   Application for a permit shall constitute an agreement by the applicant to promptly complete the work permitted; observe all pertinent laws and regulations of the village; repair all damage done to the street surface and installations on, over or within such street, including trees; and protect and save harmless the village from all damages or actions at law that may arise or may be brought on account of injury to person or property resulting from the work done under the permit or in connection therewith.
   (C)   Where liability insurance policies are required to be filed in making application for a permit, they shall be for the amounts established by the Village Council following recommendation from village consultants. A properly executed certificate of insurance containing evidence that the pertinent policy of insurance or endorsement applies to the provisions under which the permit is issued and approved as to form by the Village Attorney shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
   (D)   Where cash deposits are required with the application for any permit, each deposit shall be in the amount as determined by the Village Engineer, and the deposit shall be used to defray all expenses to the village arising out of the granting of the permit and work done under or in connection with the permit. Six months after acceptance of the work done under the permit by the Village Engineer, any balance of each cash deposit unexpended shall be refunded. In any case, where the deposit does not cover all costs and expenses of the village, the deficit shall be paid by the applicant.
   (E)   Annual permits may be issued for emergency repairs, maintenance, small alterations and small service connections at the discretion of the Village Clerk with permit fees and cash deposits of the Village Clerk, with permit fees and cash deposits established by resolution of the Village Council and with liability insurance policies in amounts established by the Village Council.
   (F)   Permits for excavation of less than six inches are not required if located outside of the street and are for the purpose of restoration and/or repair to landscaping or irrigation systems.
   (G)   Routine operations conducted by a public utility company, franchisee or licensee will not require a permit if no excavation is made in the right-of-way, provided advanced approval in writing is given by the Village Engineer or Village Clerk.
   (H)   A permit shall be revocable by the Village Engineer for failure to comply with this subchapter, rules and regulations adopted pursuant hereto and the lawful orders of the Village Clerk or Village Engineer or the duly authorized representative made in the administration of this subchapter.
(Ord. 151, passed - -)