(A)   The village may employ Animal Control Officers to enforce and administer the provisions of this chapter. The Animal Control officer shall be invested with the powers of a special police officer by the Village Clerk as are necessary for the limited purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter and its amendments. The provisions of this chapter may be enforced by members of Police Department of the Village of Bingham Farms.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer to make diligent inquiry as to the dogs owned, harbored or kept within the village and whether those dogs are licensed, and whether the owner, possessor or harborer is in violation of any other provision of this chapter. Any dog found unlicensed may be seized and impounded by the Animal Control Officer. If the owner, possessor or harborer of the dog be known, the Animal Control Officer may issue a notice of violation to appear at the Village Clerk's office, or his agent, within 72 hours, not including Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, to procure a license for the dog. Failure of owner, possessor or harborer to appear and procure a license may result in the issuance of an ordinance violation by the Animal Control Officer for violation of § 94.25, the licensing section of this chapter.
   (C)   (1)   The Animal Control Officer shall adhere to minimum employment standard equivalent to those set by the Board of County Commissioners for County Animal Control Officers, concerning recruitment, selection, and appointment. The minimum standards shall include:
         (a)   Requirements for physical, educational, mental, and moral fitness; and
         (b)   A minimum course of study of not less than 100 instructional hours as prescribed by the Department of Agriculture.
      (2)   Subdivision (b) shall not apply if the Animal Control Officer is a Police Officer or has served at least three years as an Animal Control Officer.
(Am. Ord. 179, passed 8-26-02)