Applications for franchises shall be made to the Clerk by providing the following written information and documents.
   (A)   A nonrefundable franchise application fee of $3,500;
   (B)   The name, age, if an individual, and address of the applicant, and if the applicant is not a natural person, the date, state and form of business organization;
   (C)   A description of the local business the applicant proposes to transact;
   (D)   Copies or certificates, articles, permits, approvals, licenses, last annual report and other written documentation of applicant’s lawful incorporation, organization, existence, authorization and good standing to conduct its proposed business in the State of Michigan. If any of the listed items have not been received, documentation they have been applied for must be provided;
   (E)   If applicable, applicant’s minimum quantity requirements of existing and potential customers;
   (F)   The length of the franchise term being requested, which shall have a duration of not longer than ten years;
   (G)   An acknowledgment and agreement to accept and comply with a franchise in the form of an ordinance that contains and incorporates by reference all of the terms and conditions contained in §§ 53.35 et seq.;
   (H)   On a separate sheet entitled Appendix A, the names and addresses of customers in the village that applicant is supplying or intends to supply with electricity or natural gas and the quantities thereof.
(Ord. 164, passed 4-17-00)