For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CUSTOMER. A residential, commercial or industrial end user of electricity or natural gas in the village.
DISRUPTION. A physical change, modification, alteration, disturbance, injury and/or damage to or in a right-of-way, including but not limited to construction, installation, location, maintenance, modification, alteration, replacement or repair of facilities and the removal or alteration of a right-of-way surface grade or material, tree, sign, marker, hydrant or other material or object.
FACILITY or FACILITIES. Any overhead or underground cable, wire line, main, pipe, pole, building, structure, equipment and all other man-made or placed materials or objects or combinations thereof for the transmission or distribution of electricity or natural gas to customers.
FRANCHISE. A nonexclusive limited authorization to transact a local business and the right to incidental use of right-of-way under this chapter.
GRANTEE. The holder of a valid and effective franchise granted by the village.
MPSC. The Michigan Public Service Commission.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. Any and all public rights-of-way, streets, highways, roads, sidewalks, alleys, thoroughfares, public easements and public places located within the village.
SUPPLIER. A person that supplies electricity (electric generation) or natural gas to customers in the village through facilities in the village in which it has no ownership, operation, leasehold, repair or maintenance rights or responsibilities.
UTILITY. A person that owns, operates and maintains facilities used to provide electricity or natural gas to customers in the village.
VILLAGE. The Village of Bingham Farms.
(Ord. 164, passed 4-17-00)