Small cell wireless facilities, related equipment and accessories, utility poles and wireless support structures shall comply with the following design and concealment standards:
(A) Compatible design. All small cell wireless facilities and related equipment must use materials, colors, textures, and screening so as to be aesthetically and architecturally compatible with the surrounding environment (i.e., existing street lights, traffic control devices, and utility poles).
(B) Lighting. Facilities, utility poles or wireless support structures shall not be artificially lighted. If lighting is required, the lighting fixtures and installation must cause the least disturbance to surrounding properties.
(C) Collocation. Any wireless provider must openly allow another provider to collocate upon its wireless facility, unless physically or technically infeasible, under rates.
(D) Ancillary facility equipment. All other wireless equipment with the facility shall be designed and painted to satisfy this section. The equipment will be required by the village to be located underground in any locations where the equipment will be visible from adjacent roadways and lots and public electrical utility lines are already placed underground. Where underground placement of equipment is not required or would impair service, above ground placement is permitted upon the village's approval. Ground-mounted equipment shall comply with the following:
(1) All equipment shall be completely concealed from view within an enclosed cabinet. Cabinets must be compatible in color and design to match existing infrastructure and architecture.
(2) So as not to impede or impair public safety or the legal use of the public right-of- way by the traveling public, in no case shall ground-mounted equipment be located closer than two feet from the public right-of-way, edge line, face of curb, sidewalk, safety path, bike lane or shared-use path.
(3) Ground-mounted equipment shall be reviewed by RCOC so as to not impede sight lines, interfere with any ADA requirements, or raise additional public health safety and/or welfare concerns.
(4) Ground-mounted equipment must be secured to a concrete foundation or slab with a breakaway design in the event of collisions.
(5) Ground-mounted equipment must either be screened with plant material that is consistent with the characteristics of the surrounding area, be integrated into the base of an existing utility pole, wireless support structure or other infrastructure, or be otherwise camouflaged so as to be aesthetically and architecturally compatible with surrounding environment, without detracting from the streetscape.
(E) Separation distances. New utility poles, wireless support structures and ground-mounted equipment shall be installed at least 300 feet from any existing or proposed utility pole, wireless support structures or ground-mounted equipment. Any wireless provider desiring to install utility poles less than 300 feet apart shall demonstrate to the village's satisfaction that the wireless provider could not serve a location without the desired placement.
(F) Marking and signage. No small cell wireless facility, utility pole, wireless support structure or any portion thereof shall have any signage except as expressly permitted by this chapter or as required by state or federal law. Aerial portions of small cell wireless facilities shall be marked with a marker which shall state wireless provider's name and provide a toll-free number to call for assistance. Underground portions of small cell wireless facilities shall have a stake or other appropriate above ground markers with wireless provider's name and a toll-free number indicating that there is buried equipment below. Any marking required by this section shall not be used for advertising purposes and shall not exceed one square foot in area unless approved by the village.
(Ord. 271, passed 9-19-23)