(A)   The Administrator may, in the exercise of sound discretion, revoke or suspend, for any period of time, a license issued under this chapter when he/she determines, after due notice and hearing, that any of the following facts exist with reference to a license or a licensee:
      (1)   The applicant made intentional false statement of material facts or intentionally withheld material facts in the license application process having a substantial bearing upon the Clerk's decision to issue the license.
      (2)   The license was mistakenly or improvidently granted to a person who was not entitled to a license when issued.
      (3)   A licensee has had a license suspended by action of the Administrator on at least one prior occasion within the past 24 months and has again committed one or more acts or omissions for which a suspension would be warranted.
      (4)   Nonpayment of any required fees imposed by this chapter.
   (B)   All violations of this chapter which are not punishable by fine or imprisonment may nevertheless be the basis for suspension, revocation, or denial of a license or other remedial action by the Clerk.
(Ord. 251, passed 8-26-19)