(A)   Required. Every person, as defined in this chapter, conducting business of a type regulated by the village licensing ordinance shall apply for and obtain and thereafter maintain in full force and effect a general business license (hereinafter "license") as provided for by this chapter, in addition to complying with all other license, permit and certificate requirements imposed by other village ordinances and all federal and state laws. All such persons shall apply for a license forthwith if they are already conducting business within this village and do not hold a license. All licensees shall apply for a renewal license on or before its current license's expiration date, and all others shall apply for a license at or before the time when they first take possession of real estate or commence to conduct business within this village.
   (B)   Application. An application for a license shall be filed with the administrator, on forms promulgated and furnished by the administrator, supplying the following information with reference to the applicant and certified as being correct to the best of the information, knowledge and belief of the applicant or, if applicable, the agent making the application:
      (1)   The true name of the person and any assumed or trade name by which such business is known or to be known.
      (2)   The address of the business premises;
      (3)   A description of the business to be conducted, specifying the character of the goods and services to be purchased, sold, and offered for sale;
      (4)   The numbers of persons employed or otherwise engaged in the business on the premises;
      (5)   The hours during each day of the week the business will open for business to the public;
      (6)   The full names, business addresses, business phone numbers and email addresses, and residence addresses and phone numbers of the owners, proprietors, officers, and managers of the applicant's business, including the name and address of each officer if the applicant is a corporation, and the names and addresses of all partners if a partnership; and
      (7)   A copy of all approvals from any federal, state or local entity that is required for the licensee to operate its business.
   (C)   Review of application. The administrator shall review such application and obtain from the applicant, in writing, such supplemental details concerning the applicant, the subject business, or its impact upon village services as may be necessary and appropriate to determine whether the licensee will be conducting business in conformity with applicable state and federal laws and with this chapter and all other ordinances of this village, and whether the village should consider modifying the manner of providing village services to the premises.
   (D)   Issuance of license; authority given licensee; term. The village shall issue a general business license to an applicant when the village determines that such person's business, as and where conducted or proposed to be conducted, will not be in violation of federal laws, state laws, or village ordinances and when the license fee prescribed in this chapter has been paid. Such license shall authorize the licensee to conduct business in this village in conformity with this chapter, as amended from time to time, and as described in the application, and not otherwise, for the balance of the license year ending on February 28 (or 29) at 12:00 midnight after the date the license is issued, unless sooner suspended or revoked. The license year shall begin on March 1 or each year.
   (E)   Certificate. The administrator shall issue to each licensee a suitable certificate of licensing showing its expiration date. Each licensee shall cause the certificate to be posted and maintained in a conspicuous portion of the premises which is open to visitors and village officials. The person in charge of a licensed premises shall display such certificate to all village officials upon request.
   (F)   Renewal. A licensee desiring to continue to conduct business in conformity with the most recent application may renew the license for an additional one-year period by paying the renewal fee prescribed in this chapter. Tender of such fee shall be deemed a certification that the facts stated in the most recent application have not materially or substantially changed. If the facts stated in the most recent application on file with the administrator have materially and substantially changed, a new application shall be filed and processed as provided in this section.
   (G)   Transfer. A licensee desiring to transfer his license to a new location or to materially or substantially change the nature and scope of this business shall file a new application and obtain a new license in conformity with this chapter.
   (H)   Duty to exercise ordinary care. It shall be the duty of each person required to obtain and maintain a license under this chapter to exercise ordinary care to:
      (1)   Comply with the requirements of this chapter, all other village ordinances, and all federal and state laws;
      (2)   To manage and conduct business as to avoid creating unreasonable demands for village services; and
      (3)   To manage and conduct the licensed business as to avoid violating the state consumer protection laws to an extraordinary degree.
   (I)   Compliance by person acquiring existing business. A license is not assignable, and a person who acquires an existing licensed business establishment must also comply with this chapter.
   (J)   Certification. The application shall contain the statement "I certify under the penalties of law that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my information, knowledge and belief" in bold print over his/her signature.
(Ord. 251, passed 8-26-19)