As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated.
   ADMINISTRATOR. The Village Clerk or other person designated to administer this chapter by resolution of the Village Council.
      (1)   Pursuing a business, which is any form of activity that has for its end the supplying of commodities.
      (2)   Acting as a merchant, which means any person who engages in or conducts a business selling goods, wares and merchandise and who, for the purpose of carrying on such business, uses, lists or occupies, either in whole or in part, a room, building, structure or vacant property for the exhibition of such wares and merchandise.
      (3)   Performing a trade, which means all other kinds of vocations, occupations, enterprises, establishments and kinds of activity not included in the definition of the term “merchant” or “business”.
      (4)   Is a transient merchant, which means any person who engages in or conducts a business buying or selling goods, wares and merchandise and does not have a mercantile establishment in the village. The term “transient merchant” is synonymous with the term “peddler”. Auctioneers shall not be deemed to be transient merchants.
   LICENSE. A general business license as provided for in this chapter, and a licensee is the holder of a license.
   ORDINARY CARE. The degree of care that a reasonably careful person would use under the same or similar circumstances. The failure to do something that a reasonable careful person would do or the doing of something that a reasonably careful person would not do under the circumstances constitutes a failure to use ordinary care. Failure to exercise ordinary care shall be governed by the factors and considerations applied to negligent acts and omissions under the common laws of this state.
   PERSON. Includes person, persons, firm, corporation, company for profit and not for profit, partnership, limited liability companies, sole proprietorship and any business legal entities.
   UNREASONABLE DEMANDS. In relation to village services, that a person engaged in business calls upon the village to provide services to or for the benefit of the business activity and its invitees on a regular basis with a frequency or to a degree that is so clearly in excess of that provided other similar business establishments within the village as to lead a reasonable, prudent, fair-minded person to the conclusion that the level of service is unreasonably disproportionate or is unfair to the other recipients of village services.
   VILLAGE SERVICES. Shall mean police, fire, sewage disposal, water, streets, ordinance enforcement, traffic control, and all other services provided for persons who occupy real property in the village under the jurisdiction or authority of the various village departments, village officials, village agents, village boards and commissions, or the Village Council.
(Ord. 251, passe 8-26-19)