(A) It is required that all new utility structures, whether they are part of a new dwelling or are being added to an existing dwelling, located out of doors, including, but not limited to, heat pumps, air conditioning units (with the exception of window units), and generators shall be screened on all sides except the side closest to the dwelling. The screening shall consist of evergreen shrubs or trees planted a maximum of 36 inches apart, with a height of 18 to 24 inches at time of planting. The shrubs may be planted three feet away from the utility structures so they do not interfere with proper functioning.
(B) Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are hereby included as a utility structure for the purposes of this chapter. The town recommends that EV charging stations be installed inside a garage and out of the public view. However, when this is not possible, the following requirements shall apply.
(1) The EV charging station shall not be located within a front, side, or rear yard setback.
(2) (a) The EV charging station shall be screened from the public road and adjacent properties per requirements in division (A) above. The only exception to this requirement is that screening is not required in a location inhibiting the ability to charge the vehicle per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
(b) A site plan shall be provided to the town prior to installation indicating the location, species, and planting timeline for screening. This site plan shall also include applicable setback lines for the appropriate zoning district and the distance of the proposed EV charging station to each property line.
(3) Upon approval from the town regarding the placement of the EV charging station, the property owner must obtain building inspections approval from Buncombe County for installation. The applicant shall provide all appropriate documentation submitted to Buncombe County, and subsequent approvals, to the town once permitted.
(Ord. 2023-07, passed 10-9-2023)