Trees and shrubs are required in and around parking lots with more than five spaces to provide attractive views from roads and adjacent properties, provide shade to reduce the heat generated by impervious surfaces, help absorb runoff, reduce glare from parking lots, and to help filter exhaust from vehicles.
   (A)   There shall be a continuously-maintained growing strip planted with grass or similar low-growing vegetation, measured from the back of the curb and extending ten feet perpendicular to the road. The purpose of this growing strip is to provide a clear line of sight for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists entering and leaving commercial properties.
   (B)   (1)   Where parking areas with more than five spaces adjoin a public right-of-way, a landscaped planting strip ten feet wide shall be established and continuously maintained between the growing strip and parking area(s).
      (2)   Street trees shall be planted within the landscaped planting strip in accordance with § 153.066 and parking areas within 50 feet of the right-of-way shall have a visually modifying screen or barrier that meets one of these standards.
         (a)   Evergreen shrubs shall be planted 36 inches apart as measured from the center and attain a height of at least 48 inches within four years of installation;
         (b)   There shall be a fence or wall three feet high constructed of the same material as the principal building; or
         (c)   There is an earthen berm at least two feet high, with a minimum crown width of two feet and a width to height ratio of no greater than 2:1; shrubs shall be planted on top of the berm that will attain a height of at least 36 inches within four years of installation and shall be planted 36 inches apart.
      (3)   No screen is required at parking lot entrances or exits, and no screen shall obstruct vision within 50 feet of an entrance, exit, or intersection. The landscaped planting strip shall be covered with living material, including groundcover and/or shrubs, except for mulched areas directly around the trees, so that no soil is exposed.
   (C)   (1)   (a)   Parking areas with more than five spaces shall have at least one large-maturing deciduous tree for every three parking spaces, with some appropriate clustering of trees permitted, and six-foot by 18-foot projecting landscaped islands generally between ten and 12 parking spaces.
         (b)   Whenever possible, interior parking spaces should have a continuous planter strip six feet wide between rows of parking.
      (2)   Where appropriate, provisions shall be made to ensure that adequate pedestrian paths are provided throughout the landscaped areas. In all cases, at least one large maturing deciduous tree shall be provided for a parking lot regardless of the number of spaces provided. No parking space shall be located more than 50 feet from the trunk of a large-maturing deciduous tree. When calculating the number of trees required, the applicant shall round up to the nearest whole number.
   (D)   All landscaped areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that is at least six inches above the pavement and six inches wide or a granite curb that is at least six inches above the pavement and four inches wide.
   (E)   To increase the parking lot landscaped area, a maximum of two feet of the parking stall depth may be landscaped with low-growth, hearty materials in lieu of asphalt, allowing a bumper overhang while maintaining the required parking dimensions.
   (F)   When more than the required number of parking spaces is provided, the applicant shall provide two times the required number of trees for the spaces provided above the ordinance requirement.
(Ord. 2023-07, passed 10-9-2023)