§ 32.04 SICK LEAVE.
   (A)   Sick leave with pay is not a right, which an employee may demand, but is a privilege granted by the town.
   (B)   (1)   Leave from work with pay, up to two weeks, may be charged as sick leave if the absence is due to sickness, bodily injury, quarantine, required physical or dental examinations or treatment, illness in the employee’s immediate family which requires the care of the employee, or the funeral of a member of the employee’s family.
      (2)   All such absences, except any resulting from intemperance or misuse of sick leave, shall be charged against the sick leave credit of the employee.
   (C)   Any extension of sick leave beyond the normal two weeks must be reviewed and approved or disapproved at the discretion of the Mayor and immediate supervisor.
   (D)   (1)   The employee may be required to submit a physician’s certificate as to the nature of the illness and as to the employee’s physical capacity to resume his or her duties.
      (2)   Such requirement shall be at the discretion of the Mayor or immediate supervisor.
(2013 Code, § 2-25)