(A)   The town is a unique community and it is within the public interest and general welfare of the town to regulate the site design and building form and mass encompassing all commercial structures.
   (B)   Site design shall include grading, surface water drainage, preservation and restoration of existing flora, all landscape features, including drives, walks, patios, freestanding walls, fencing, and plantings. Of particular concern is preservation of the streetscape; signs, lighting, trees and bushes alongside the public thoroughfare. Form and mass shall refer to size and shape of the commercial structures.
      (1)   Site materials and features. The intent of these provisions is to encourage site materials and features which blend with the existing visual environment, (e.g., native flora and curvilinear roadways).
         (a)   Built or planted landscape elements.
            1.   Permitted. All native flora and materials, (e.g., trees, bushes, flowers, stone, asphalt or concrete pavement, concrete or brick masonry paving units). Refer to §§ 93.30 through 93.40 for tree removal regulations.
            2.   Prohibited. Final grades that result in slopes greater than 1:1; retaining walls that exceed seven feet in height for property zoned (R-4) and exceed 12 feet in height for property zoned (R-5).
         (b)   Site lighting/exterior lighting. With the exception of Americans with Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. § 12101, lighting requirements and street lighting, the following design standards shall apply when exterior lighting is proposed and/or required:
            1.   Shielding.
               a.   Exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed downward so that the light source (the actual bulb) is not visible from beyond the property line on which the structure is located.
               b.   Exterior lighting shall not project above the horizontal plane of the building.
            2.   Color. Warm lighting colors are required.
               a.   The blue-white colors of florescent and mercury vapor lamps are prohibited.
               b.   Lamps emitting a color temperature in excess of 5,000 degrees Kelvin are prohibited.
            3.   Parking area lighting. In parking lots, a foot candle as approved by the town’s lighting consultant at the perimeter, and between light sources, and a maximum of 5.0 foot candles under light fixtures as required.
            4.   Light fixtures.
               a.   The height of light fixtures shall be in proportion to the building mass and no more than 14 feet high.
               b.   When all businesses are closed, only a minimum of security lighting shall be maintained. Shielded spotlights may be used when highlighting trees, artwork, or other special landscape features. Lighting fixtures affixed to structures for the purposes of lighting parking areas shall be prohibited.
            5.   Advertising. The operation of searchlights or similar sources for advertising, display or any other commercial purpose is prohibited.
      (2)   Building forms and mass.
         (a)   Intent. The intent of these provisions is to encourage exterior building forms which blend with the majority of existing commercial structures and natural features of the town.
         (b)   Roof form.
            1.   Permitted. Gable, mansard, hip, gambrel, shed, pyramidal, salt box, barrel, vault, arch, and flat; and
            2.   Prohibited. Trapezoidal, butterfly, complex curvilinear (screw, bullet, mushroom shape), conical, polygonal (except as roof of minor tower), A-frame, Quonset huts, geodesic domes, and roundettes.
(Ord. passed 10-19-1983; Ord. passed 6-8-2021)