CITY OF BIG TIMBER, MONTANA ADA COMPLAINT FORM COMPLAINANT’S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mon-Thurs & 8:00 am to 3 pm Friday) PLEASE DESCRIBE THE ALLEGED DISCRIMINATORY ACTION OR DENIAL OF SERVICE. Please provide sufficient details. Include: description of alleged discriminatory action, names, dates, places, actions/events, witnesses, etc. [ ] CHECK HERE if additional pages are attached PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT CORRECTIVE ACTION YOU ARE SEEKING: [ ] CHECK HERE if additional pages are attached. _________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING COMPLAINTDATE COMPLAINTS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: (Name and Address of ADA/Section 504 Coordinator). Telecommunications Device for the Deaf - TDD: (406) 444-2978. Dial 711 or 1-800-253-4091 to use the Montana Relay Service. * * * * * * * * FOR AGENCY USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING COMPLAINT _________________________________________________________________________ DATE ____________________________________________ TITLE |
(Res. 914, passed 8-15-2011)