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Sec. 2-304. Duties, powers, meetings, actions, disqualification.
   (a)   The planning and zoning commission is hereby charged with the duty and invested with the authority to:
      (1)   Inspect property and premises at reasonable hours where required in the discharge of its responsibilities under the laws of the state and of the city.
      (2)   Formulate and recommend to the city council for its adoption a city plan for the orderly growth and development of the city and its environs, and from time to time recommend such changes in the plan as it finds will facilitate the movement of people and goods, and the health, recreation, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city.
      (3)   Formulate a zoning plan as may be deemed best to carry out the goals of the city plan; hold public hearings and make recommendations to the city council relating to the creation, amendment and implementation of zoning regulations and districts as provided in Texas Local Government Code Ch. 211, authorizing cities and incorporated villages to pass regulations; all powers granted under said Act are specifically adopted and made a part hereof.
      (4)   Exercise all the powers of a commission as to approval or disapproval of plans, plats, or replats and vacations of plans, plats or replats set out in Texas Local Government Code Ch. 212 (Texas Local Government Code § 212.001 et seq.) and Texas Local Government Code Ch. 42.
      (5)   Study and recommend on the location, extension and planning of public rights-of-way, parks, or other public places, and on the vacating or closing of same.
      (6)   Study and recommend on the general design and location of public buildings, bridges, viaducts, street fixtures and other structures and appurtenances.
      (7)   Study and recommend on the design or alteration and on the location or relocation of works of art which are, or may become, the property of the city.
      (8)   Initiate, in the name of the city, for consideration at public hearing all proposals:
         a.   For the opening, vacating, or closing of public rights-of-way, parks, or other public places;
         b.   For the original zoning of annexed areas; and
         c.   For the change of zoning district boundaries on an area-wide basis. No fee shall be required for the filing of any such proposal in the name of the city.
      (9)   Formulate and recommend to the city council for its adoption policies and regulations consistent with the adopted city plan governing the location and/or operation of utilities, public facilities and services owned or under control of the city.
      (10)   Keep itself informed with reference to the progress of city planning in the United States and other countries and recommend improvements in the adopted plans of the city.
      (11)   Study and recommend on applications for specific use permits.
      (12)   Study and recommend on applications for temporary use permits under the zoning ordinance of the city.
   (b)   A motion may be made by any member other than the presiding officer.
   (c)   A motion to approve any matter before the commission or to recommend approval of any request requiring city council action shall require a majority vote of the members present. When fewer than all the members are present for the voting and when all motions to recommend on a given application fail to carry by a majority vote, considerations of the application shall be continued to the next regular meeting. No request or application shall be continued under this rule beyond the next regular meeting; failure of the commission to secure a majority of concurring votes to approve or recommend approval at said next regular meeting shall be recorded in the minutes as a denial of the proposal under this rule.
   (d)   A member shall disqualify himself from voting whenever he finds that he has a personal or monetary interest in the property under appeal, or that he will be directly affected by the decision of the commission.
   (e)   A member may disqualify himself from voting whenever any applicant, or his agent, has sought to influence the vote of the member on his application, other than in the public hearing.
   (f)   Any member of the council shall have the right to speak at meetings.
(Ord. No. 046-2021, § 1, 9-28-2021)