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Sec. 48-125. Parking of trucks, vehicles transporting hazardous materials and buses.
   (a)   Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      Bus means any vehicle constructed, outfitted or intended for carrying or transporting ten or more passengers.
      Truck means any motor vehicle designed, maintained or used primarily for the transportation of property which has three or more axles and/or a gross vehicle weight of more than 10,000 pounds.
      Vehicle transporting hazardous material means any vehicle and appurtenances thereto used for the transportation of radioactive, hazardous, explosive or inflammable materials and substances and regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation and/or the state department of public safety as a vehicle used for the transportation of hazardous materials.
   (b)   Regulations as to parking. No truck shall be parked on any street, alley, public thoroughfare; provided, however, that such vehicles may be parked at the point where pick-up or delivery of goods or property is made without undue delay. Further, no truck shall be parked in any area of the city zoned for residential habitations only.
      (1)   Parking of a truck's tractor in backyards. A truck's tractor may be parked in the backyard of the tractor operator in a residential zoned area only if the following requirements are satisfied:
         a.   Adequate and safe ingress and egress are available and/or provided for from a city street to the backyard, as approved by the public works director.
         b.   Application is approved by and renewed annually through the building official. The annual permit fee shall be $30.00.
         c.   A tractor shall be parked, stored or screened in such a manner that it is not visible from any street, furthermore, if a structure is required, it must meet all applicable codes.
      (2)   No vehicle transporting hazardous materials shall be parked or stored on the streets, alleys, public thoroughfares or at any other point within the corporate limits of the city except upon premises owned or leased by the owner of such transporting vehicles; provided, however, that such vehicle may be parked at the point where the commodity is to be delivered and such delivery shall be made without undue delay. In no event shall such transporting vehicle be parked for the purpose of unloading or delivery for a longer period of time than one hour, unless the express permission of the chief of the fire department is first obtained.
      (3)   No bus shall be parked on any street, alley or other public way in any area of the city zoned for residential habitations only; provided, however, that such vehicles may park for the immediate purpose of loading or unloading passengers.
(Prior Code, § 18-147; Ord. of 7-24-1979; Ord. of 3-27-2012)