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Sec. 46-145. Authority of the director.
   (a)   For purposes of enforcement of this division, the director has the following authority:
      (1)   The director shall determine the time and method of pavement cuts and excavations in order to minimize interference with traffic and to eliminate the unnecessary cutting of pavement.
      (2)   The director may enter premises for the purpose of inspection of pavement cuts, excavations, restorations, embankments, barricades, warning signs, and signal lights.
      (3)   The director may order removal of encroachments on the right-of-way, placement of proper barricades and warning devices, and repair of substandard restoration work.
      (4)   The director may exercise police power in the enforcement of this division.
   (b)   Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of the permit, this division, any other applicable city ordinance, or applicable state or federal law or regulation, the director may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any person engaged in the work or causing the work to be done. A person issued this notice shall stop work immediately until authorized by the director to proceed with the work.
(Ord. No. 033-2017, Exh. A(17-28.190), 8-22-2017)