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Sec. 2-117. Participation of employees; new employees, eligibility for retirement; ten-year vesting; maximum age and prior service credits.
   Pursuant to the provisions of Texas Government Code §§ 852.105 and 854.202, the city adopts the following provisions affecting participation of its employees in the Texas Municipal Retirement System:
      (1)   Each person who becomes an employee (as defined in Texas Government Code § 851.001) of any participating department of this city and who is not already a member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System shall become a member of the system as a condition of employment, provided said person is then under 60 years of age;
      (2)   Any member, after five years from the effective date of his membership in the system, shall be eligible for service retirement if he has attained the age of 60 years or has completed 20 years of creditable service with one or more municipalities that have authorized eligibility under Texas Government Code § 854.202 or under section XX of former Texas Civil Statutes article 6243h;
      (3)   The membership of any person who has completed at least ten years of creditable service with participating municipalities that have authorized eligibility under Texas Government Code § 854.202 (or under section XX of said former article 6243h) shall not terminate because of absence from service; and
      (4)   Any person who is an employee of a participating department of this municipality at the effective date of the ordinance from which this division is derived, but who at the date of his employment was under 60 years of age but did not become a member of Texas Municipal Retirement System because he was then above the maximum age then prescribed by law for initial membership in the system, shall become a member of the system at the effective date of the ordinance from which this division is derived, unless he has already become a member under other provisions of the governing act, and shall be allowed prior service credit for each month of creditable service performed for this municipality subsequent to the date such person was precluded from membership and prior to the effective date of his membership. Said prior service credit shall be calculated using the same percentage of base prior service credit as was most recently used in calculating prior service credits or updated service credits in said system for current member employees of this city.
(Prior Code, § 1-8; Ord. of 10-9-1984; Ord. of 12-11-2012)