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Sec. 46-41. Application; procedure.
   (a)   Any person, firm or corporation desiring to have a city street, alley or easement abandoned and vacated shall make written application for same to the city council and all charges shall be paid in advance of said abandonment. The application shall have attached to it the signed written consent and release of all owners of all property within all blocks which abut on either side of the street, alley or easement, any portion of which is adjacent to said block and is proposed to be abandoned and the signed written consent and release of all owners of all property which would be left without a means of access if the proposed abandonment is granted. The director of public works, upon receipt of a copy of the application, shall calculate the charges and mail a notice to the applicant of the charges. Should the city council elect to not grant the request, then the money shall be refunded to the applicant or applicants.
   (b)   In the event city council considers a proposed vacation and abandonment of a public street, a public hearing shall be held by the governing body. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication in the official publication of the city, stating the time and place of such hearing, which such time shall not be earlier than ten days before the date of publication. Upon approval of said vacation and abandonment of said street right-of-way, the mayor is hereby authorized to execute a quit claim deed to the owner of said abutting property owner.
(Prior Code, § 17-24; Ord. of 10-25-1983; Ord. of 7-11-2000)