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Sec. 40-330. League fees and requirements prescribed.
   (a)   Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      League means a group of sports teams organized and insured under a local sports association.
      League season refers to the period of time between the start and end dates provided on the season playing schedule required under this article.
      Non-league means and refers to a sports team that is not organized under a local sports association.
   (b)   League registration. Each youth or adult softball, baseball, soccer, or football league desiring to play on the fields at the Roy Anderson Sports Complex or the Cotton Mize Field recreation areas shall register with the convention and visitors' bureau no less than 30 days prior to the estimated start of each season. No less than one week prior to the beginning of the season, each league shall:
      (1)   Pay a season fee of $250.00 per team;
      (2)   Provide a team roster indicating the number of teams in the league;
      (3)   Make full payment for the number of teams in the league;
      (4)   Provide a copy of the season playing schedule; and
      (5)   Provide a copy of the league insurance certificate naming the city as additional insured.
   (c)   Fee for non-league play. An additional fee of $25.00 shall be assessed per game in which a non-league team participates.
   (d)   Scheduling of games/practice. Leagues shall not schedule games or practices on Sundays or on any federal holiday. Leagues shall not use the complex on days not specified in the schedule. Should any modifications to the schedule occur due to make-up games or the like, a new schedule shall be submitted to the facilities coordinator of the city at least 24 hours prior to the make-up games so that the fields may be properly prepared.
   (e)   Persons that ride on golf carts who are not an immediate family member as defined in sub-section (D) shall be required to pay a fee that is one-half of the current trail fee ($12.50).
   (f)   Inspection of fields. Prior to scheduled games, the city staff shall determine whether the field is safe for play during times of inclement weather or after a heavy rain.
   (g)   Use of reserved fields. Fields reserved under the provisions of this article shall not be rented to any other team, person, or entity during a league season, except as otherwise approved by the facilities coordinator.
   (h)   Fundraising. Any fundraising uses that involve the ballfields must be approved by the city prior to use for any fundraising activity and the league shall pay the appropriate rental fees for that use. At no time is the league to receive payments for the use of the field unless it is holding a fundraising tournament and all required deposits and rentals for the tournament have been made to the city.
   (i)   Practices. Leagues shall be permitted to hold four weeks of practice upon completion of the season standard games to prepare for the final tournaments. During this time, the fields shall only be used by the league coaches and teams on a scheduled basis and the use thereof shall not include the use of lights or striping.
   (j)   Use of common areas and concession. Each league will be allowed use of the common areas associated within the respective fields, including restrooms and concession stands, during the league season. Each league shall have exclusive use of the applicable concession area during their respective seasons and may lock the concession using the two keys provided to each league president at the time of registration. At the end of their respective seasons, each league must remove all items and equipment from the concession area, return all concession stand keys, and relinquish use of the area during the off-season. Any items not removed within ten days of the end of the season may remain in the concession stand but will not become the property of the city. Each league shall be responsible for any damages to city property due to loss or use of any item and/or equipment left in the concession. Failure to return concession stand keys will result in a $100.00 fee and will disqualify the league for future use of the concession stands for any subsequent season until the fee is paid.
   (k)   Food safety permit required. Leagues providing concessions must obtain a city food safety permit but shall be exempted from the permit fees. If any person or entity other than the league provides concessions, they must obtain the necessary permit and pay any and all applicable fees.
   (l)   No competition with league concessions. At no time shall a private entrepreneur, that is not a contracted employee of a league, be authorized to operate in competition with league concessions.
(Prior Code, § 6-181; Ord. of 5-27-1986; Ord. of 8-11-1987; Ord. of 5-24-1988; Ord. of 4-25-1989; Ord. of 11-10-1992; Ord. of 3-12-2002; Ord. of 5-11-2004; Ord. of 2-23-2010; Ord. of 8-7-2012; Ord. of 11-17-2012; Ord. No. 043-2019, § 1(6-181), 11-12-2019)