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Sec. 40-115. Special services and equipment.
   (a)   Fees for special services, equipment and conveniences shall be charged to and paid by the renter as part of the center's rental fees. Special services and equipment fees are prescribed below. If these items are damaged, broken or lost, the actual replacement cost will be deducted from the deposit. If the deposit does not fully cover the amount of damages or lost or broken items, the deposit will be retained and the renter will be required to pay the difference.
Public address (PA) system
Free w/ ballroom (upon request)
Portable screen
$75.00 deposit/$75.00 per day
$100.00 deposit/$100.00 per day
   (b)   Security. The individual, organization or group hosting an event for which the services of police, guards or watchmen are required or desired; whether incidental to permit requirements, to handle a large crowd (50 or more), or for the protection of equipment; is responsible for procurement and compensation of individuals providing such services. The services of licensed law enforcement officers of licensed private security officers from approved agencies employed at scheduled events is immediately required when alcohol is served.
(Prior Code, § 6-47; Ord. of 3-14-1972; Ord. of 12-9-2003; Ord. of 7-24-2007; Ord. of 1-27-2009; Ord. of 4-8-2014; Ord. of 4-28-2015; Ord. of 1-24-2017)