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Sec. 36-60. Definitions.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      Business building means any structure, whether public or private, regardless of the type of material used in its construction, located within the boundaries of the city that is adapted to occupancy for the transaction of business, whether vacant or occupied, for the rendering of professional services, for the display, sale or storage of goods, wares or merchandise, or for the performance of work or labor, including hotels, roominghouses, beer parlors, office buildings, public buildings, stores, markets, restaurants, grain elevators, abattoirs, warehouses, workshops and factories.
      Opening means any opening in the foundation, side or walls of any business building, including roof, chimney, eaves, grills, windows, sidewalk grades and sidewalk elevators, through which a rat may pass.
      Premises means all business buildings, outhouses, sheds, barns, garages, docks, wharves, piers, grain elevators, and abattoirs, whether public or private, and any and all other structures used in connection with the operation of any "business building," as herein defined.
      Rat harborage means any condition found to exist under which rats may find shelter or protection, and shall include any defective construction which would permit the entrance of rats into any business building.
      Rat stoppage means an inexpensive form of ratproofing designed to prevent the ingress of rats into business buildings. It is essentially the closing or protecting of all openings in exterior walls and foundations or the grates in a sidewalk of business buildings with ratproof materials installed in such a manner as to prevent rats from gaining entrance.
(Prior Code, § 13-20; Ord. of 9-11-1945)