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Sec. 32-256. City manager and staff authority.
   (a)   The city manager or his/her designee may authorize the use of any street, right-of-way, park, or public building, equipment or personnel for commercial uses in the filming or taping of movies, television programs, commercials, or training films and related activities by approval of an Application for Filming. In conjunction with these uses, the city manager or his/her designee may require that any or all of the conditions and/or remuneration herein and as specified on the Application be met as a prerequisite to that use. The city manager or his/her designee will review Applications for Filming and will have the sole authority to approve or deny an application. Upon city manager or designee's approval of an Application for Filming, the city manager or designee shall issue a film permit to the applicant.
   (b)   The City of Big Spring shall have exclusive authority to grant a film permit to an applicant for the use of public streets, rights-of-way, parks and public buildings of the city. The permit will include information about the production, including the general location of the production, and the number and timeframe of allowable hours of production per day, as determined by the city.
   (c)   The city manager or his/her designee reserves the full and absolute right to prohibit all filming or to order cessation of filming in order to promote the public health, safety or welfare.
   (d)   City departments, including, but not limited to the police, fire, and building departments, shall have a right to inspect all structures, property, devices, and equipment to be used in connection with the filming and taping at all times. Any violation of State law or ordinance, or unconsented damage to city property is grounds for revocation of the permit, to be decided by the police chief or the city manager. Any violation of the Fire Code of the City of Big Spring is grounds for revocation of the permit, to be decided by the fire marshal.
   (e)   The city manager shall have the authority to waive a permit fee and/or insurance requirements under this article for a filming project conducted for a public purpose. Such a waiver shall be issued on a signed document placed on file with the city secretary.
(Ord. No. 006-2021, § 1, 2-9-2021; Ord. No. 006-2022, § 1, 2-8-2022)