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Sec. 32-140. Application for licensure.
   (a)   Applicants, and each agent of the primary applicant, shall make a sworn application to the chief of police upon forms furnished by the police department of the city. Each application shall give the following information:
      (1)   Full name and all information contained on the driver's license of the applicant and each agent or employee working under the permit;
      (2)   Permanent home address and present local address of the applicant;
      (3)   Name and home office address of applicant's employer;
      (4)   If the applicant owns or uses a motor vehicle in connection with his business, a description of such motor vehicle and the license number of same;
      (5)   A brief description of the merchandise or services to be sold;
      (6)   A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any felony and the disposition of same;
      (7)   A site plan to be drawn by the applicant, not to scale, which need only show the location to be used by the applicant or his designee and to be made the basis of the permit. The applicant shall submit an additional site plan for each location to be occupied during the term of a permit;
      (8)   Proposed duration of temporary sales operation;
      (9)   Written permission of the owner of the land or building where the sales are to take place (itinerate merchant and fixed location food vendor only);
      (10)   A copy of the applicant's state limited sales and use tax permit; and
      (11)   A description of the proposed parking spaces to be used and the proposed manner to dispose of trash/litter.
   (b)   Roadway food vendors and fixed location food vendors. In addition to the requirements listed above, each roadway food vendor or fixed location food vendor shall obtain a food permit issued by the fire marshal certifying compliance with the state food establishment rules.
(Prior Code, § 5-114; Ord. of 9-12-1950; Ord. of 6-11-1963; Ord. of 5-22-1979; Ord. of 4-27-1982; Ord. of 6-25-1985; Ord. of 12-9-1986; Ord. of 11-8-2016)