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Sec. 28-154. Definitions.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      Ambulance operator means a person, partnership or corporation who is engaged in any form of transporting the injured or ill for hire on the streets of the city.
      Ambulance transfer permit means a permit issued by the city limiting the transfer of persons for hire by ambulance on the public streets of the city.
      Emergency ambulance service means the unscheduled transfer of persons who are injured or critically ill, and it is apparent that such persons will suffer serious harm unless medical attention is received at the earliest possible time.
      Emergency ambulance service permit means a permit issued by the city authorizing an ambulance operator to transport for hire injured or ill persons on the streets of the city, under emergency conditions and including, but not limited to, the use of red lights, sirens and other emergency equipment, and in addition thereto, to exceed the speed limits and proceed through stop intersections under conditions set out therein.
      Public convenience and necessity means that the area from which the ambulance service is proposed to be operated will be located in such a manner and in an area that will benefit the citizens of the city from the service and that existing ambulance service within the city will not be adversely affected so as to lower the standards of existing service in the city.
      Transfer ambulance service means the scheduled or routine transfer of sick persons which does not require the use of sirens, red lights or does not require the exceeding of the speed limit.
(Prior Code, § 19-100; Ord. of 12-13-1966)