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Sec. 20-72. Form of permit application; permit fee.
   (a)   Applications for permits to drill or redrill any oil or gas well shall be made in writing to the chief building inspector and shall include the following:
      (1)   The legal description of the proposed drill site and the legal description of the real property in the city which the applicant proposes to explore for oil and gas purposes. A map shall be attached to the application, which map shall clearly show and outline the proposed drill site with reference to existing city streets or city limits.
      (2)   A statement of what property the applicant has the right, by reason of ownership or permission of the owner, to pass through and enter for drilling purposes and a further statement that the applicant agrees, in finally locating the well, not to pass through or enter any property where he does not have such right.
      (3)   The proposed location, type, kinds, size and amount of major equipment and a general description and the method of operation of the proposed well.
      (4)   The proposed method of handling and using any product proposed to be developed at the well site and the proposed method of disposing of all waste products anticipated.
      (5)   A statement from a licensed surveyor or registered professional engineer verifying the drill site as being either an urbanized or a non-urbanized drilling site as defined herein.
   (b)   Each application shall state the maximum depth to which the applicant desires to drill, and each application shall be accompanied by an application fee of $0.10 per foot of depth. The maximum fee for any one well shall be $1,000.00. Should the applicant drill to greater depth than that stated in his application, a supplemental fee shall be required based upon the increased depth.
(Prior Code, § 5-154; Ord. of 3-11-1980)