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Sec. 10-55. Specialized commercial flying service.
   (a)   Statement of concept. A specialized commercial flying services operator is a person, firm or corporation engaged in air transportation for hire for the purpose of providing the use of aircraft for the activities listed below:
      (1)   Nonstop sightseeing flights that begin and end at the same airport within a 25-mile-radius of the airport.
      (2)   Crop-dusting, seeding, spraying and bird chasing.
      (3)   Banner towing and aerial advertising.
      (4)   Firefighting.
      (5)   Power line or pipeline patrol.
      (6)   Any other operations specifically excluded from part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
   (b)   Minimum standards.
      (1)   The operator shall lease from the city an area of not less than 18,000 square feet of ground space, on which shall be constructed auto parking space with minimum accommodations for five automobiles (no on-street parking), a paved walkway, all within the leased area and sufficient to accommodate the operator's activities. Section (a)(1) of this section will require a building with a minimum of 800 square feet. In case of crop-dusting, aerial application, or other commercial use of chemicals, operator shall provide a centrally drained, paved area of not less than 3,000 square feet for aircraft loading, washing and servicing. Operator shall also provide for the safe storage and containment of noxious chemical materials. Such facilities will be a location on the Big Spring Airport and Industrial Park which will provide the greatest safeguard to the public.
      (2)   The operator shall provide and have based on his leasehold, either owned or under written lease to operator, not less than one airworthy aircraft, suitably equipped for, and meeting all the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration and applicable regulations of the state with respect to the type of operations to be performed.
In the case of crop dusting or aerial application, the operator shall provide tank trucks for the handling of liquid spray and mixing liquids. The operator shall also provide adequate ground equipment for the safe handling and safe loading of dusting materials.
      (3)   The operator performing the services under this category will be required to carry the following types of insurance in the limits specified:
Aircraft liability:
Bodily injury (each accident)
Each person
For more than one person
Passenger liability (where applicable)
Each passenger, each accident
Property damage
Each accident
Comprehensive public liability and comprehensive property damage:
Bodily injury (each accident)
Each person
For more than one person
Property damage
Each accident
Hanger keepers liability (where applicable):
Each accident
      (4)   The operator shall have in his employ, and on duty during operating hours, trained personnel in such numbers as may be required to meet the minimum standards herein set forth in an efficient manner, but never less than one person holding a current Federal Aviation Administration commercial certificate, properly rated for the aircraft to be used and the type of operation to be performed.
(Prior Code, § 10-18; Ord. of 6-22-1982)