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Sec. 8-187. Additional permitting requirements for dangerous dogs.
   The following previsions apply only to dangerous dogs.
      (1)   Inspections. An inspection of the dangerous dog and the premises where a dangerous dog is kept shall be made at least twice a year and at any other time deemed necessary by the ACD. If the inspecting officer determines during such an inspection that any of the conditions of this article are being violated, he shall refuse to renew or will revoke such permit until the violation is corrected. The ACD may allow a reasonable time for the correction of violations of this article so long as it does not constitute a danger to the public health and safety.
      (2)   Confinement.
         a.   It shall be the responsibility of the custodian of a dangerous dog to securely confine such animal. A dangerous dog must be confined in a secured enclosure which shall be either:
            1.   At least a six-foot-tall fence enclosing the entire yard, with brackets angling in 24 inches in length with at least three strands of wire to prevent the animal from climbing over the fence. The fence will have each gate secured with a locking device to prevent anyone from opening when locked; or
            2.   At least a six-foot-tall fully enclosed dog run, including top, with a locking gate. The locking device shall be of a type that prevents anyone from opening when locked.
         b.   It shall be unlawful for a dangerous dog to be outside the dwelling of the owner or outside the enclosure unless it is necessary to obtain veterinary care for the dangerous dog, to sell or give away the dangerous dog, after notification to the ACD, or to comply with directions of the ACD. In such event, the dangerous dog shall be securely restrained with a chain having a minimum tensile strength of 300 pounds and not exceeding three feet in length that is personally held by the custodian or humanely caged. A dangerous dog not confined or restrained in accordance with this subsection shall be considered at-large and subject to the penalties of this article.
         c.   A dangerous dog may not be kept anywhere other than the approved enclosure for that dog.
         d.   If the animal is sold, given away or moved to a different location, the owner must notify the ACD in writing at least three business days prior to such event of the name, address, and telephone number of the intended recipient. The ACD shall notify the recipient that the dog has been declared a dangerous dog. If the recipient or new owner lives within the jurisdiction of the ACD, he must obtain a new dangerous dog permit prior to taking custody of the dog. If the new recipient or custodian does not live in the jurisdiction of the ACD, the ACD shall notify the animal control authority in the respective jurisdiction.
      (3)   Microchip and collar. Each dangerous dog shall be chipped by a licensed veterinarian or the ACD and continuously wear the distinctive dangerous dog collar and tag purchased through the ACD.
      (4)   Sign. The owner of a dangerous dog shall display a sign on the premises that reads "DANGEROUS DOG" in four-inch letters that contrast with the signs background to warn that there is a dangerous dog on the premises. The sign shall be visible and capable of being read from the public street or highway and the alley and must be posted at all entrances into the enclosure.
(Prior Code, § 3-34; Ord. of 8-24-2010)