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Sec. 8-4. Entry of private premises.
   (a)   If persons keeping animals within the city or other areas within the jurisdiction of the ACD, after request of the ACD or animal control officer, refuse to permit access to the areas or places of keeping of such animals, the animal control officials shall seek the necessary court authorization to enter the premises.
   (b)   Any animal observed by the animal control officer or peace officer, in the officer's opinion to be in immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury, may be removed from such situation by the quickest and most reasonable means available. It shall be the responsibility of the animal's custodian to repair any damage to their property or the property of others caused by the removal of the animal from the dangerous situation.
   (c)   The animal control officer or peace officer has the right to pursue and apprehend animals running at-large onto private property while enforcing the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 3-4; Ord. of 8-24-2010)