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Sec. 6-51. Application required.
   Any person desiring to conduct or operate any exhibition, carnival or circus within the city limits shall make application for a license to the city manager and file the same with the city secretary not less than two weeks prior to the time when it is desired to conduct or operate same. Said application shall give the name and permanent address of the owner, and if owned by a company or corporation or association, the application shall show said fact and shall also show the name of the manager or other officer in charge of said exhibition, carnival or circus. In any event, the application shall show the person in active charge and control of operating or conducting the exhibition, carnival or circus. The application shall further give a list of all shows, rides, booths and any other businesses and attractions operated in connection with the exhibition, carnival or circus, listing same by name and with a description of each premises on which the exhibition, carnival or circus is operated or conducted. Said premises shall be kept in clean and orderly condition during the operating thereof and after the conclusion thereof shall be restored to the same condition it was in prior to the operation thereof, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and any trash or debris originating therefrom shall be removed from any surrounding property by the applicant at the applicant's expense.
(Prior Code, § 5-22; Ord. of 5-26-1939; Ord. No. 88-83, 10-25-1983; Ord. of 4-14-1998)