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Sec. 6-2. Definitions.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
      (1)   As used in this article and in article II of this chapter, the term "carnival" means and includes amusement activities, rides, merry-go-rounds, booths for the conduct of games of skill, food dispensing facilities and sideshows. A carnival shall not include gambling devices, games of chance, lotteries, punch boards or other activities in violation of state or federal law or city ordinances.
      (2)   An exhibition, carnival, or circus shall be exempt from articles I and II of this chapter if it is sponsored or given for the benefit of and if all proceeds from such operations are retained by the Big Spring Independent School District or a school or a parent/teacher association thereof and conducted entirely on property of said district, or (to) a local church and conducted entirely on property of said church or any local organization that sponsors the carnival and mans it with all local volunteer or otherwise labor and does not include rides or merry-go-rounds. An exhibition deemed to be an educational exhibit, as determined by the city manager, shall be exempt from this article.
      Exhibition, as used in this article and article II of this chapter, means and includes circuses, menageries, carnivals, sideshows, and other similar enterprises which are operated for hire or for the purpose of promoting or advertising any trade or business, but shall not be held to mean western style rodeos.
      Skill or pleasure coin-operated machine means any kind of coin-operated machine that dispenses, or is used or is capable of being used to dispense or afford, amusement, skill, or pleasure or is operated for any purpose, other than for dispensing only merchandise, music, or service. This definition shall be interpreted to conform with the definition of the term given in Texas Occupations Code, Subchapter A, Chapter 2153.
(Prior Code, § 5-2; Ord. No. 8-8-83, 10-25-1983; Ord. of 8-12-1986; Ord. of 4-13-1993; Ord. No. 027-2020, § 1, 8-25-2020)