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Sec. 2-319. Notice of sale; procedure.
   Notice of sale of abandoned, lost, stolen or recovered property shall be given in the following manner:
      (1)   The chief of police shall give the owner of such property, if his residence is known, ten days' notice to come forward and pay the charges due, and after ten days after such notice has been given to him to pay such charges, if said charges are not paid the chief of police shall refer such property to the assistant city manager, the purchasing agent, or his duly authorized representative for sale.
      (2)   The purchasing agent shall give 30 days' notice of the time and place of the sale. He shall also post, or have posted, at the courthouse door and at or near any regular entrance to city hall and the city police station, a list of property to be offered for sale. He shall also send a copy of such list, by certified mail, to the last-known address of the owner, if he is known to him. The public auction provided for herein shall be conducted at the place designated in the notice and all the articles sold for cash to the highest bidder for each piece of property, separately or assembled in lots, whichever in the discretion of the assistant city manager, purchasing agent, or his duly authorized representative, shall be the best price obtainable for such property, except motor vehicles, which shall be sold separately.
(Prior Code, § 14-23; Ord. No. 670307, 3-14-1967)