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Sec. 2-316. Impoundment by chief of police.
   (a)   The chief of police shall take into his custody all abandoned, lost, stolen or recovered property of every kind. All such property taken into custody by the chief of police shall, by him, be registered in a record book provided for that purpose and shall be tagged. The chief of police shall enter upon his register and upon the tag the following information:
      (1)   Description of the property.
      (2)   Time and place seized, and by whom.
      (3)   Name of owner, if known.
      (4)   Storage and hauling charges accrued against the property.
   (b)   The charges made against such property shall be the actual expense incurred by the city in hauling and storing the same, except there shall be a minimum charge of $1.00 per day for storage of automobiles and other motor vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 14-20; Ord. No. 670307, 3-14-1967)