(A) Any expenditure or contract obligating the City in an amount of $7,500 or more must be made through formal sealed bids, approved and awarded by the City Commission.
(B) The Purchasing Officer shall provide for such procurement through competitive sealed bids as follows:
(1) A notice soliciting sealed competitive bids shall be published in a newspaper in general circulation in the City of Big Rapids or on the City's website at least ten days prior to the final date for submission of bids. The newspaper notice may be in detail or may refer the bidder to the City's website for the bidding specifications, which shall briefly state the following: the specifications of the supplies, materials, service or equipment requested, the amount of any required surety to be submitted with the bid or contract, the time and place for filing and opening of bids, and the general terms and conditions of the award of the contract.
(2) The Purchasing Officer shall also solicit sealed bids from all qualified prospective bidders known to the City by sending each a copy of the request for bid proposal or newspaper notice. This solicitation will be derived from the City's vendor list. It is the obligation of the vendors to submit their names and wares for the vendor's list. The vendors will be notified by either U.S. mail or e-mail.
(3) The Commission shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids submitted and such right to rejection shall be included with any notice of request for bids.
(4) The department heads shall review proposals received and provide necessary recommendations to the City Commission.
(Ord. 657-03-13, passed 3-4-13)