(A)   Applicants shall designate a contact person upon whom service of notice under this subchapter and service of process for violation of this code may be made in the absence of the owner. The designated contact person must have an office or residence located in the State of Michigan, and be available to respond physically in-person at the property within 24 hours of a notification or request by the City.
Such a designation shall be made in writing and shall accompany each application or renewal application for a Housing Maintenance Certificate. The designation must include a valid mailing address, email address, and phone number. Any change to the contact person's contact information must be promptly communicated to the City. The violation of this subsection shall be a civil infraction, and shall be cause for revocation of a housing maintenance certificate.
   (B)   An owner of real property who designates a contact person consents to notice and billing by the City via first class mail to the contact person at the address specified in the designation, for:
      (1)   real property taxes;
      (2)   personal property taxes;
      (3)   utility billings (water, sewer, sanitation);
      (4)   property maintenance code violations;
      (5)   building and fire code violations;
      (6)   zoning ordinance violations;
      (7)   nuisance and blight violations;
      (8)   nuisance padlock incidents.
('88 Code, Title VIII, Ch. 99, § 8.31(7)) (Ord. 181-6-83, passed 6-6-83; Am. Ord. 511-04-03, passed 4-7-03; Am. Ord. 605-04- 09, passed 4-20-09; Am. Ord. 798-05-23, passed 5-15-23)