(A)   The Council was formed for the primary purpose of acting as a local advisory council as described in MCL 247.660e(18). For the City to act as an "eligible governmental agency" that receives financial support from the State's comprehensive transportation fund for providing public transportation services including, but not limited to, specialized services and demand actuated services, the City must submit a plan to the state transportation department describing the service to be provided by the demand actuated services, to persons 65 years of age or older and handicappers within the applicable service area, and the Council shall review and comment on the City's plan before its submission to the department.
   (B)   The Council's secondary purpose shall be to monitor and review the City's actual delivery of demand actuated services to persons 65 years of age or older and handicappers, and to recommend methods or actions by which the services can be improved. The Council shall provide advisory recommendations to the City Commission on operational matters, including but not limited to fees, service area, service contracts, and operational policies.
   (C)   The Council shall be organized with not less than 50% of its membership representing persons 65 years of age or older and handicappers within the service area subject to the plan.
   (D)   The Council shall be composed and structured in such a manner so as to facilitate an independent objective assessment of the City's MCL 247.660e(18) plan by persons in the service area.
   (E)   The Council shall consist of not fewer than three members.
   (F)   Council members shall not be employees of the City, and shall not be members of the City Commission or any executive committee of the City.
   (G)   The City shall maintain a list of Council members and their affiliations and shall identify the members who are handicappers, seniors, and representatives of handicappers or seniors.
(Ord. 431-1-98, passed 1-5-98)