(A)   A person seeking a permit pursuant to the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act and the provisions of this chapter shall submit an application in writing to the City Clerk on forms provided by the City. At the time of application, each applicant shall pay a non-refundable application fee to defray the costs incurred by the City for costs associated with the processing of the application. In addition, the applicant shall present a suitable copy of government-issued photographic identification with the application.
   (B)   The applicant shall provide the following information, under the penalty of perjury, on the City-issued form approved by or acceptable to, the City Clerk and Director of Public Safety. Such information is required for the applicant, the proposed manager of the marihuana facility, and all persons who are true parties of interest in the marihuana facility that is the subject of the application:
      (1)   A copy of the applicant’s State Application for Prequalification for LARA and a copy of the applicant’s Notice of Prequalification Status from LARA.
      (2)   If the applicant is an individual or sole proprietorship, the proprietor and their spouse, if any, shall provide their name, address, date of birth, business address, business telephone number, email address, social security number, and, if applicable, federal tax identification number;
      (3)   If the applicant is not an individual or sole proprietorship, information regarding the business entity, including, without limitation, the name and address of the entity, website address, (if any), type of business organization, proof of registration with, or a certificate of good standing from the State of Michigan, and the names, dates of birth, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers of each true party of interest, and the federal tax identification number of the business entity;
      (4)   The identity of every person having any ownership interest in the applicant with respect to which the license is sought;
      (5)   If the applicant is not the owner of the proposed licensed premises, a notarized statement from the owner of such property authorizing the use of the property for a marihuana facility;
      (6)   A copy of any deed reflecting the applicant's ownership of, or lease reflecting the right of the applicant to possess, or an option reflecting the applicant's right to purchase or lease, the proposed licensed premises;
      (7)   A description of the type of the proposed marihuana commercial operation and its physical address;
      (8)   A scaled diagram of the proposed licensed premises, no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches, showing, without limitation, building floor plan and layout, all entryways, doorways, or passage ways, and means of public entry and exits to the proposed licensed premises, loading zones, available onsite parking spaces and designated spaces for curbside sales and dispensing, fencing on or around the premises, and all areas in which medical marihuana will be stored, grown, manufactured or dispensed;
      (9)   A lighting plan showing the lighting outside of the medical marihuana facility for security purposes in compliance with applicable City outdoor lighting requirements;
      (10)   A staffing plan which describes the anticipated or actual number of employees, including an estimate of the number and type of jobs that the facility is expected to create, the amount and type of compensation, including benefits, expected to be paid for the jobs;
      (11)   A completed City of Big Rapids Income Tax Withholding Employer Registration Form or proof that the form has been filed with the City’s Income Tax Administrator;
      (12)   An explanation, with supporting factual data, of the economic benefits to the City and the job creation for local residents to be achieved by the facility, including plans for community outreach and education plans, worker training programs, through the grant of a medical marihuana facility license;
      (13)   A statement that neither the applicant nor any true party of interest is in default to the City for any property tax, special assessment, utility charge, fines, fees or other financial obligation owed to the City;
      (14)   A statement that the applicant has reviewed and agrees to conform its hiring and public accommodation practices to the State and federal anti-discrimination laws;
      (15)   A statement that neither the applicant nor any true party of interest is ineligible from holding a license for any of the reasons set forth in the MMFLA, MCL 333.27402;
      (16)    A statement that the applicant consents to inspections, examinations, searches and seizures required or undertaken pursuant to enforcement of this chapter; and
      (17)   Any additional information that the City Clerk or Director of Public Safety reasonably determines necessary in connection with the investigation and review of the application.
   (C)   Upon receipt of a completed application, the City Clerk may circulate the application to all affected service areas and departments of the City to determine whether the application is in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
   (D)   If the City Clerk identifies or is informed of a deficiency in an application, the applicant shall have one period of five business days to correct the deficiency after notification by the City Clerk.
(Ord. 749-10-19, passed 10-7-19; Am. Ord. 786-03-22, passed 3-21-22)